Gracie de Michelle is designed for general information use only. Whilst we use all reasonable endeavours to keep Gracie de Michelle up to date, there may be times when this is not the case due to the release of new or updated information.
If you intend to act on any information supplied by Gracie de Michelle on this website you should first seek independent advice. Whilst all reasonable care is taken to ensure that the information and data contained within the website is accurate, we do not guarantee this and no liability is taken by Gracie de Michelle in the event of any proceedings being taken as a result of any information on the site.
Gracie de Michelle is designed for use by UK residents and the information contained within it relates to residents in the UK only.
Gracie de Michelle agreements sets out that by using this website, users are agreeing with the terms and conditions in full, of the service they are using.
Gracie de Michelle has the right to change any of its terms and conditions or to introduce new conditions at any time and without any notice being given.
All services described on our website assumes that you (as the user) are a UK resident, you did not make any capital gains other than as detailed in any correspondence to Gracie de Michelle, and that you comply in full with all obligations under tax law.
Orders placed for any of our services are under statutory law, and therefore cancellation can be accepted prior to commencement of any work. However after such time, Gracie de Michelle has the right to charge fees for time spent and equipment on work up until that point. In any case, unless reasons for cancellation are fully permitted by Gracie de Michelle, full payment will be taken and no refund will be given.
If you do not understand any of out terms and conditions, or would like us to explain any issues further please send an email to with terms and conditions as the subject.
On behalf of the GdeM team I would like to thank you for visiting our website today.
Gracie de Michelle.
Tel: 02072780303 Fax: 02072780765
Chartered Certified Accountants & Registered Auditors